Super Chicken

Super Chicken

(ABC, 1967) cartoon series

George of the Jungle was brought to us by the same twisted minds that created Rocky and Bullwinkle, and like that Cold-War classic, it included segments starring supporting players. One of these was Super Chicken, which chronicled the adventures of the titular character and his sidekick, a lion named Fred. In the second episode, September 16, 1967's "One of Our States is Missing," an evil villain tows Rhode Island out to sea. The episode is riddled with Rhode Island jabs and jibes, beginning with a scene in which an airliner comes in for a landing in Providence:

Pilot: Ladies and gentlemen, fasten your seatbelts, we are about to land at Providence, Rhode Island.
Co-pilot: Chauncy, are you sure that's Providence?
Pilot: What's it look like?
Co-pilot: Looks to me like there's nothing there.
Pilot: That's Providence all right. Set 'er down, Edgar.

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