Old-Fashioned Christmas Celebration

Old-Fashioned Christmas Celebration

Saylesville, Lincoln
Hearthside House, 677 Great Road. Stunning decorations both inside and outside make Hearthside one of the most beautiful houses in the state, and surely one to capture with photos. Visitors are welcome to experience the warmth and charm of an old-fashioned Christmas, celebrating the different eras throughout the residency of the home over 200 years. A self-paced tour throughout the house will warm your heart and bring joy with a nostalgic journey as visitors go from room to room, each one decorated by volunteers, even the dollhouse. Santa will be ready for boys and girls to share their Christmas wishes. Holiday music and refreshments put everyone in a festive spirit. Staggered admissions to avoid crowding. Reserve in advance; on sale beginning November 2. (401) 726-0597 info@hearthsidehouse.org; greatroadheritagecampus.org.