Amaral's Fish and Chips
"A lot more than just fish and chips!"
4 Redmond Street, Warren
(401) 247-0675
Amaral's, opened in 1984, serves "natural" clam chowder, a tasty dairy-free chowder that's thicker and cloudier than regular clear chowder, and has a green tinge. They also serve white and red chowders. Amaral's stuffies come with a light coating of chili pepper that gives them a little bit of a kick. Their clam cakes are quite good, as well.
Another treat at Amaral's is Mother Zelia's sweet Portuguese bread. Prepared in small batches, it's only available on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, and only until it sells out. Zelia, eighty-six years old as of 2019, learned the recipe and techniques at her mother's elbow growing up in Sao Miguel, Portugal. Up until about 2008 she kneaded all the dough herself, but her sons, Donald and Tony, convinced her to switch to a commercial mixing machine. Customers love Zelia's sweet breads so much they often ship them to family and friends all over the country.
Other notable menu items: Portuguese kale soup, marinated fried smelts, calamari, and multiple varieties of grinders.
Amaral's is open Monday, 9am-3pm; Tuesday to Thursday, 9am-8pm; Friday, 9am-9pm; and Saturday, 9am-8pm.
- Best Fish and Chips, Rhode Island Monthly, 1994.
- Best Fried Clams, Rhode Island Monthly, 1994.