

The massive Folsom Dam holds back nearly 1 million acre-feet of water, enough to submerge the entire state of Rhode Island under a foot of water.
Boston Globe, "Closing of road atop dam riles many in Calif. city," by Bobby Caina Calvan, February 7, 2005. Submitted by Carol C.

Of course water conservation is out of the question—out west we insist on bluegrass lawns in the desert, casino fountains as big as Rhode Island, and wet streets for that early morning jog or drive to the office.
—WildernessDefense.com, "Western Water Wars," (April 2002).

Great Salt Lake is one of the most wide-open and least understood spaces in the West. Roughly the size of Rhode Island, it's a terminal lake with no outflow, averaging around 13 feet deep.
National Geographic, "Salt Lake Valley's Leap of Faith," by Lisa Moore LaRoe, February 2002.

In the 1960s, north central Africa's Lake Chad was larger than the state of Vermont but is now smaller than Rhode Island.
—NewsWise.com, "Africa's Lake Chad Shrinks By 20 Times Due To Irrigation Demands, Climate Change," by Lynn Chandler, February 26, 2001.

Twice the size of the state of Rhode Island, Lake Mead contains 1.5 million acres of land and water.
—National Park Service, (August 2000).

The Manicouagan Reservoir in northeastern Quebec is actually a gigantic impact crater, 70 kilometers (43.4 miles) wide, formed about 210 million years ago by a falling asteroid thought to have been about three kilometers in diameter. The state of Rhode Island, seen here in similar perspective, would fit comfortably inside the crater, which was photographed from space by Skylab in 1973.
Yankee, "Appointment with an Asteroid," by Elmer E. Fisk, June 1979.

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