Parks, Sanctuaries, and Wildlife Management Areas
And this wasn't even Yellowstone's most violent moment. An eruption 2.1 million years ago was more than twice as strong, leaving a hole in the ground the size of Rhode Island.
—National Geographic, "When Yellowstone Explodes," by Joel Achenbach, August 2009, p. 60. Submitted by vi.
The biggest V[olcanic] E[xplosivity] I[ndex] was the massive eruption of the so-called "supervolcano" beneath the Yellowstone basin 2 million years ago. It left a caldera or depression in the ground bigger than Rhode Island.
—San Diego Union-Tribune, "Eureka! Daily discoveries for the scientifically bent," October 20, 2004.
The 1,255-square-mile [Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary]—bigger than Rhode Island—has 7,000 northern elephant seals, California and northern sea lions, rare northern fur seals, and harbor seals.
—Akron Beacon Jounal, "Animals flock to offshore haven," by Bob Downing, September 12, 2004.
Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve covers more ground than Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts combined.
—National Geographic, "Alaska's Giant of Ice and Stone," March 2003.
Imagine a pile of TNT about the size of Rhode Island and reaching eight miles into the sky, and you have some idea of what visitors to Yellowstone are shuffling around on top of.
—A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson, 2003.
Its whereabouts were never firmly established until today, when the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced the wreck was found in the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, an area about the size of Rhode Island between Cape Ann and Cape Cod, at the mouth of Massachusetts Bay.
—Associated Press, "Wreck of steamship Portland found in Stellwagen Bank waters," August 29, 2002.
The enormous Crater Mountain Wildlife Management Area (WMA) [Papua New Ginea] covers 2600 square kilometers, an area about the size of Rhode Island.
—Biodiversity Conservation Network, "A Forest the Size of Rhode Island in PNG," (August 2000).
A vast tract of wilderness roughly the size of Rhode Island, California's Yosemite boasts a mind-bogglingly large number of multiday backcountry hikes to choose from.
—, (August 2000).
My friend Jackie was living in Yosemite. Her husband was president of the company that ran all the concessions, so he was the Big Bear as far as the commercial side of Yosemite went. "You're the Queen of Rhode Island," I said to Jackie, once I learned Yosemite was the size of Rhode Island. She pooh-poohed the idea, said they lived a simple, quiet life in the woods, facing Half Dome and whatever stars of film or industry happened to be passing through that week.
—Los Gatos Weekly-Times, "How a dress averted the collision of two queens," by Mary Ann Cook, February 5, 1997.