Golf Courses
There, on the left side of the green is a bunker the size of Rhode Island. If you can avoid this you'll start off well.
—Lafayette Journal and Courier, "Fairy tale's happy ending depends on shot selection," by Dave Schneider, August 23, 2004.
While technology has given us clubs with sweet spots the size of Rhode Island and golf balls that break the sound barrier, no one has been able to control the weather.
—Tennessean, "Rain can't dampen difficulty level at Masters," by Joe Biddle, April 10, 2003.
I read somewhere that over 17,000 square miles of this country are devoted to golf courses alone, which is an area equal to that of two Rhode Islands and one Delaware.
—The College Hill Independent, "Sand trap: Exposing Golf's Darker Side," by Steve Pyle, April 15, 1999.