Glaciers and Ice Fields
Between 2003 and 2008 [Antactica gained] 82 billion tons of ice per year. It's difficult to imagine that much ice, but it would be enough to cover the state of Rhode Island about 85 feet deep every year in pure form.
—Tech Insider, "Antarctica gains enough ice each year to bury Rhode Island 85 feet deep," by Rebecca Harrington, November 2, 2015.
At the top of Alaska's panhandle, Malaspina Glacier spills from a funnel of rock in the St. Elias Mountains and spreads to form a huge pancake between the mountains and the sea. That pancake is as large as Rhode Island, but Malaspina is thinning fast.
—Alaska Science Forum, "Malaspina melting, but still bigger than Rhode Island," by Ned Rozell, February 2, 2000.