

What snapped me to attention was mention in the Seattle Times of the flag Admiral Ellison... is flying from the 250-foot luxury yacht that serves as his New Zealand headquarters... It sure looks like an American flag. Except where you're used to seeing the 50 stars, you'll see USA-76, the name of Ellison's America's Cup entry. And the stripes? They're there OK, representing the original 13 colonies, but emblazoned in white lettering on the last stripe is a 14th colony, or maybe a colonizer: ORACLE. The flag is immense—roughly the size of Rhode Island. OK, you figured that. Admiral Ellison understands that the meek might indeed inherit the earth, but in the meantime the arrogant have the best shot at conquering it.
The Mercury News, "This flag's just a symbol (of Ellison's arrogance)," by Mike Cassidy, October 11, 2002.

It's hard to get excited by Flag Day when: A major corporation flies a flag bigger than Rhode Island in front of every one of its restaurants...
The American Reporter, "Brasch Words: Observations from the Storm Deck," by Walter M. Brasch, July 12, 2000.

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