

(Fox, 1989-2013, 2023; Paramount, 2013-'20; Fox Nation, 2021-'22) reality series

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Film crews spent about eight weeks riding with Providence police officers in the summer of 1995. The visit yielded footage for four episodes for season nine:

November 9, 1996, S9E9, "Providence, Rhode Island 1"
November 16, 1996, S9E10, "Providence, Rhode Island 2"
November 23, 1996, S9E11, "Providence, Rhode Island/Boston, Massachusetts 1"
December 21, 1996, S9E14, "Providence, Rhode Island/Boston, Massachusetts 2"

Some highlights of one of the Providence-centric episodes: a nighttime domestic violence call brings us to an Elmwood neighborhood back yard where a guy is threatening to stab himself. He's apparently been mixing valium, Tylenol, alcohol, and mental illness to fine effect. Learning that the responding officer's name is Sergeant Campbell, he yells, "Do you make soup? Whyn't you go back 'n' make soup!?"

Another call elsewhere in Providence is about "sounds in the attic." The responding officer is greeted at the door by a little old lady, but our first glimpse of her tips us off that she ain't no ordinary ol' biddy. Her lipstick is applied far too generously and the hint of a very thick, very dark unibrow (or maybe a really big melanoma), lurks behind her bangs and Coke-bottle glasses. Her voice is like a rock crusher in low gear. The upstairs room proves to be empty, but the lady assures the officer she heard something, and that "they're planning to capture me." The clincher is the half-leering, half goggle-eyed look she gives the camera as the officer turns to leave at the end of the segment. Must be seen to be believed.

The SGQ (Shirtless Guy Quotient) for this episode is two.

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