Historical and Genealogical Links and Resources
Discover Rhode Island! (It's not just the old license plate slogan.)
This page contains a list of links or contact info for various historical and genealogical resources that are relevant to Rhode Island.
Geneaology | Historical, Heritage, and Preservation Societies | Internet Archives | Libraries | Maps | Museums and Historic Houses | Newspapers, Periodicals, and Blogs | Miscellaneous Links of Interest | Videos
- American-French Genealogical Society.
- Ancestry.com.
- The Association for Gravestone Studies.
- Boston to Providence Genealogical Society.
- Daughters of the American Revolution.
- Crandall Family Association.
- Family Relationship Chart.
- FamilySearch.org.
- Find A Grave.
- Genealogy Explained.
- Genealogy Today.
- God's Little Acre, America's Colonial African Cemetery.
- The Joseph Bucklin Society.
- The Mayflower Society.
- The National Archives.
- National Genealogical Society.
- National Veteran's Gravesite Locator.
- New England Historic Genealogical Society.
- Newport County Genealogical Society, PO Box 4762, Middletown, RI 02842, contact: Karen MacKnight, newport_ri_genie@hotmail.com
- The Political Graveyard.
- Providence House Directories, 1895-1935.
- Rhode Island Genealogical Society.
- Rhode Island Historical Cemeteries.
- Rhode Island USGenWeb Genealogy and History Project.
- Society of Stukely Westcott Descendants of America.
- The USGenWeb Free Census Project.
- Whipple One-Name Study.
- Roger Williams Family Association.
The above section last updated January 2023.
Historical, Heritage, and Preservation Societies
- Alliance of Rhode Island Historical Associations (currently inactive).
- Barrington Preservation Society.
- Blackstone Valley Historical Society.
- Block Island Historical Society.
- Bristol Historical and Preservation Society.
- Burrillville Historical and Preservation Society.
- Charlestown Historical Society.
- Coventry Historical Society.
- Cranston Historical Society.
- East Providence Historical Society.
- Exeter Historical Association.
- Foster Preservation Society.
- Friends of Sakonnet Lighthouse.
- Glocester Heritage Society.
- Heritage Alliance of Pawtucket.
- Historical Society of Smithfield.
- Hopkinton Historical Association.
- Italian American Historical Society of Rhode Island.
- Jamestown Historical Society.
- Johnston Historical Society.
- The Ladd School Historical Society.
- Little Compton Historical Society.
- Massasoit Historical Association.
- Middletown Historical Society.
- Narragansett Historical Society.
- New England Civil War Heritage Foundation.
- Newport Historical Society.
- Newport Restoration Foundation.
- North Smithfield Heritage Association.
- Pawtuxet Valley Preservation and Historical Society.
- Portsmouth Historical Society.
- Providence Preservation Society.
- Prudence Island Historical and Preservation Society.
- Quonochontaug Historical Society.
- Rhode Island Aviation Hall of Fame.
- Rhode Island Black Heritage Society.
- Rhode Island Heritage Hall of Fame.
- Rhode Island Historical Preservation and Heritage Commission.
- Rhode Island Historical Society.
- Rhode Island Jewish Historical Association.
- Rhode Island Labor History Society.
- Rhode Island Music Hall of Fame.
- Rhode Island Radio and Television Hall of Fame.
- Richmond Historical Society.
- Scituate Preservation Society.
- Slater Industrial Archives.
- Historical Society of Smithfield.
- The South County History Center, formerly the Pettaquamscutt Historical Society.
- Sowams Heritage Area.
- Tiverton Historical Society.
- Warwick Historical Society.
- Westerly Historical Society.
- Western Rhode Island Civic Historical Society.
- Woonsocket Historical Society.
The above section last updated June 2024.
Internet Archives
- The American Colonist's Library.
- The Beavertail Lighthouse Museum Association's Shipwreck Database.
- The Bonoff Family Collection.
- The Bristol Phoenix Archive, 1833-present.
- The Can Museum. The Cranston Public Library Digital Archive, including several Cranston newspapers.
- Colonial Justice: Early Rhode Island Court Records Project.
- The Elizabeth J. Johnson Pawtucket History Research Collection.
- EnCompass: A Digital Archive of Rhode Island History.
- The Gilded Age and Progressive Era.
- Historic Scituate, North Scituate Public Library's Flickr Photostream. The Jesse M. Smith Memorial Library Digital Archive, including several Burrillville newspapers.
- John T. Pierce, Sr., Portsmouth Historical Collection.
- Library of Congress Digital Collections.
- Library of Congress Digital Historical Rhode Island Newspapers.
- Narragansett Times Digital Archive, 1855-2019.
- Newport Historical Society Collections Online.
- The Newport Map Project.
- Newportal.
- New York Public Library Digital Collections.
- New York Public Library Robert N. Dennis Collection of Stereoscopic Views.
- North Kingstown Free Library's Community History Archives.
- North Kingstown Free Library's Flickr albums.
- The Pawtucket Public Library Digital Archive, including several Pawtucket newspapers.
- Penny Postcards from Rhode Island.
- Providence Home Directories, 1895-1935.
- Providence Public Library's Digital Collections.
- Providence Preservation Society’s Architectural Slide Collection.
- Rhode Island Furniture Archive.
- Rhode Island Historical Society Collections Catalog: "The Cabinet".
- Rhode Island Historical Society Postal History Collection.
- Rhode Island Music Hall of Fame Historical Archive.
- Stereoviews.com.
- Tiverton Historical Society's History Vault.
- TokenCatalog.com.
- The Westerly Library Digital Archive, including Westerly newspapers.
- The Woonsocket Harris Public Library Digital Archive, including several Woonsocket newspapers.
The above section last updated June 2024.
- Library of Rhode Island Member Libraries: Academic
- Library of Rhode Island Member Libraries: Hospital
- Library of Rhode Island Member Libraries: Public
- Library of Rhode Island Member Libraries: School
- Library of Rhode Island Member Libraries: Special
- Library of Rhode Island Member Libraries: Government Document Depository, Federal
- Library of Rhode Island Member Libraries: Government Document Depository, State
- Providence City Archives
- Rhode Island State Archives
The above section last updated April 2023.
- Brown University Sanborn Insurance Maps Collection.
- David Rumsey Historical Map Collection.
- Historical Maps of Barrington.
- Historic Map Works.
- Historical Topographic Maps.
- A Map of New England, woodcut by John Foster, Boston, 1677
- Old Maps of New England and New York
- Old Maps of Rhode Island
- Panoramic Maps from the Library of Congress.
- Plat Book of the City of Providence Rhode Island, 1918.
- Rhode Island Maps and Aerial Photos.
- Surging Seas Risk Finder.
- University of Rhode Island Environmental Data Center
- USGS Quad Maps via National Geographic.
The above section last updated May 2023.
Museums and Historic Houses
- Aldrich House (1822), Providence.
- Elijah Angell House, (c. 1825), and the Johnston Historical Society Museum, Johnston.
- Eleazer Arnold House (1693), Lincoln.
- John Waterman Arnold House (c. 1785), Warwick.
- Artillery Company of Newport, Newport.
- Audrain Automobile Museum, Newport.
- Babcock-Smith House (c. 1734), Westerly.
- Isaac Bell House (1883), Newport.
- Blithewold Mansion, Gardens, and Arboretum (1906), Bristol.
- Beechwood Art Museum (1851), Newport.
- Belcourt of Newport (1894), Newport.
- Blackstone River Valley National Historical Park.
- Boyd's Windmill (1810), Middletown.
- The Breakers (1895), Newport.
- Bristol Train of Artillery Armory and Museum, Bristol.
- John Brown House (1786), Providence.
- Cape Verdean Museum, Pawtucket.
- Casey Farm (c. 1750), North Kingstown.
- Chace-Cory House (c. 1730), Tiverton Four Corners, Tiverton.
- Chateau Sur Mer (1852), Newport.
- Clemence-Irons House (1691), Johnston.
- Clement Weaver-Daniel Howland Home (c. 1679, private residence), East Greenwich.
- Clouds Hill Victorian House Museum (c. 1870), Warwick.
- Coggeshall Farm Museum, Bristol.
- The Conjuring House (c. 1736), Burrillville.
- Culinary Arts Museum, Providence.
- Daggett House (1685), Pawtucket.
- Jeremiah Dexter House (c. 1754), Providence.
- The Dorr Rebellion Room, Chepachet, Glocester.
- Electromagnetic Pinball Museum and Restoration, Pawtucket.
- The Elms (1901), Newport.
- George Fayerweather II House (1820), South Kingston.
- Major General Nathanael Greene Homestead (1770), Coventry.
- Charles Whipple Greene Museum, Warren.
- Greenwood Volunteer Fire Company and Museum, Warwick.
- Haffenreffer Museum of Anthropology, Providence.
- Edward Everett Hale House (1873), Matunuck, South Kingstown.
- Hannaway Blacksmith Shop (late nineteenth century), Lincoln.
- Hearthside (1810), Lincoln.
- Herreshoff Marine Museum, America's Cup Hall of Fame, Bristol.
- Governor Stephen Hopkins House (1707), Providence.
- The International Museum of World War II, South Kingstown.
- International Tennis Hall of Fame, Newport.
- Jamestown Fire Memorial Museum, Jamestown.
- Jamestown Museum, Jamestown.
- Jamestown Windmill (1787), Jamestown.
- Joy Homestead (c. 1754), Cranston.
- Kingscote (1841), Newport.
- Linden Place (c. 1810), Bristol.
- Governor Henry Lippitt House (1865), Providence.
- Living Sharks Museum, Westerly.
- Malbone Castle (1849), Newport.
- Marble House (1892), Newport.
- Maxwell House (1752), Warren.
- Mount Hope Farm, Bristol.
- Museum of Broadcast Technology, Woonsocket.
- Museum of Natural History and Cormack Planetarium, Providence.
- Museum of Newport History, Newport.
- Museum of Newport Irish History, Newport.
- Museum of Work and Culture, Woonsocket.
- National Museum of American Illustration, Newport.
- New England Wireless and Steam Museum, East Greenwich.
- Newport Car Museum, Portsmouth.
- Newport Tower Museum, Newport.
- Old Slater Mill, Pawtucket.
- Paine House Museum, Coventry.
- Peace Dale Museum of Art and Culture, South Kingstown.
- The Pettingill Mason House (c. 1740s), Chepachet, Glocester.
- Prescott Farm, Middletown.
- Pronyne Motorsports Museum, Pawtucket.
- Redwood Library and Athenaeum, Newport.
- Rhode Island Black Heritage Society, Providence.
- Rhode Island Computer Museum, Warwick.
- Rosecliff (1902), Newport.
- Rough Point (1889), Newport.
- Smith-Applebee House (1696), Smithfield.
- Smith's Castle (1679), Wickford, North Kingstown.
- South County Museum, Narragansett.
- Governor Sprague Mansion (c. 1790 and 1864), Cranston.
- Steamship Historical Society of America, Warwick.
- Gilbert Stuart Birthplace (1751), Saunderstown, North Kingstown.
- Tall Ship Oliver Hazard Perry, Newport.
- Tall Ship Providence, Alexandria, Virginia.
- Tomaquag Museum, Exeter.
- U.S. Naval War College Museum, Newport.
- General James Mitchell Varnum House Museum (1773), East Greenwich.
- Veterans Memorial Museum, Woonsocket.
- Wanton-Lyman-Hazard House (1675), Newport.
- Warren Fire Department Museum, Warren.
- Watson Farm (1796), Jamestown.
- Oliver Watson House (1790), South Kingstown.
- Westerly Armory, Westerly.
- Whitehall House Museum (c. 1729), Middletown.
- Samuel Whitehorne House Museum (1811), Newport.
- Wilbor House (c. 1690), Little Compton.
- Roger Williams National Memorial, Providence.
The above section last updated November 2024.
Newspapers, Periodicals, and Blogs
- Anchor Rising.
- Architecture Here and There.
- ArtInRuins.com, focusing on Providence-area architecture.
- The Bay Magazine.
- Block Island Times.
- Blog on the Halfshell by Doug Norris.
- Brown Alumni Magazine.
- Brown Daily Herald.
- College Hill Independent.
- Cranston Herald.
- EastBayRI.com.
- East Greenwich News.
- East Side Monthly.
- Eat Drink RI.
- edible Rhody.
- GoLocalProv.
- The Hummel Report.
- I {Heart} Rhody.
- The Independent.
- Jamestown Press.
- Johnston Sun Rise.
- A Lively Experiment.
- Motif
- Newport Daily News.
- Newport Life Magazine.
- Ocean State Stories.
- Patch.com.
- Pattyj.com.
- Pawtucket Times.
- Providence Business News.
- Providence College Cowl.
- Providence Daily Dose.
- The Providence Eye.
- Providence Journal.
- Providence Meanderings by Michael C. Swanson.
- Providence Monthly.
- Retro Rhode Island.
- Rhode Island College Anchor.
- Rhode Island Current.
- Rhode Island Echo.
- Rhode Island Historical Society Graphics Collection Survey Project.
- Rhode Island Memories.
- Rhode Island Monthly.
- Rhode Island Online Historical Newspapers Summary.
- The Rhode Less Traveled.
- Rhode Island Web Log.
- RhodyBeat.com.
- RI Blogger.
- Shop in RI magazine.
- Small State Big History.
- Smithfield Times.
- Southern Rhode Island Newspapers.
- SO Rhode Island.
- Trails and Walks in Rhode Island.
- University of Rhode Island Good 5 Cent Cigar.
- Uprise RI.
- Valley Breeze.
- Warwick Beacon.
- Warwick Post.
- Weird Island podcast.
- Westerly Sun.
- What's Up Newport.
- Wicked Rhody podcast.
- Woonsocket Call.
The above section last updated June 2024.
Miscellaneous Links of Interest
- Abandoned and Little-Known Airfields of Rhode Island by Paul Freeman.
- All for the Union by Geoffrey C. Ward.
- American Forts: Rhode Island by Pete Payette.
- American Indian Place Names in Rhode Island: Past and Present by Frank "Waabu" O'Brien, Ph.D.
- AmericanRevolution.org.
- Amusement Parks and Beyond!.
- Ann Smith Franklin, First Lady of Rhode Island Journalism.
- Artillery Pieces on Public Display in Rhode Island, by John Mead Gould.
- Atlas of the Rhode Island Book Trade in the Eighteenth Century.
- Back in Time Rhode Island Edition.
- Base: Advancing a Post-Military Landscape, by Erik Carlson and Erica Carpenter, documenting the last days the Quonset Point Naval Air Station and the Davisville Naval Construction Battalion Center.
- Battery B, First Rhode Island Light Artillery.
- Battlefields of King Philip's War.
- The Battle of Rhode Island Association.
- Blackstone Valley Reminiscent Society.
- Henry Sweetser Burrage, (Brown University schooldays on the eve of the Civil War) by Renee Gamache.
- Burrillville History by Patricia Mehrtens.
- Captor of the Barefoot General by Leonard Falkner.
- Chantilly by Bill Barol.
- The Civilian Conservation Corps in Exeter by Gary Boden and Sheila Reynolds‐Boothroyd.
- Crescent Park Carousel.
- Crescent Park Lives Forever!.
- Crescent Park, Riverside, RI 1886-1979 by Don Gregory.
- Crimetown podcast (season 1).
- The Culper Spy Ring Was not the First to Warn the French at Newport by Christian M. McBurney.
- Did Oliver Hazard Perry's Father Kill a Quaker? by Christian M. McBurney.
- Early Rhode Island Censuses compiled by Cherry Fletcher Bamberg.
- The Elusive Eastern Film Corporation of Providence, Rhode Island: Resurrecting a Footnote in Film History by Adam Tawfik.
- En Avant: A Closer Look at a Famous Photograph by Mark H. Dunkelman.
- Exploring Lincoln Woods.
- Facts About Rhode Island.
- Federal Hill Irish: The Famine Irish Generation on Federal Hill in Providence, Rhode Island, and throughout Southern New England.
- Marie Rose Ferron, An American Mystic and Stigmatic (1902-1936).
- The Forgotten by Kari Molvar; Black at Brown in the 1890s.
- Forgotten Rhode Island.
- The Former Structures: The Coal Mines Next Door by Blake Billings Ph.D.
- Gilded Age Newport in Color: The African American Summer Experience in Newport, RI from 1870 to 1925.
- Glass Bottle Marks by David Whitten.
- A Gould Island Chronology and Some Associated Historical Notes by Captain Frank Snyder (USN Ret).
- The Mary A. Gowdey Library of House Histories.
- The Great White Hurricane of 1888.
- Greater Rhode Island Roaming.
- Grew up in Riverside, R.I..
- Grew up in Rhode Island.
- Groceteria.com.
- Growing Up Rhode Island.
- Guide to Lovecraftian Sites in Rhode Island.
- Historical Marker Database.
- Historic Buildings and Structures of Rhode Island.
- Historic Music of Newport.
- Historic Wickford.
- The History of the Brewing Industry in Rhode Island by Edward J. and Gregory S. Theberge.
- A History of Narragansett.
- The Hunt for the Regicides by Alexander Winston.
- I Grew Up in the North End of Providence.
- I grew up in Silver Lake - Providence, Rhode Island..
- Town of Johnston Timeline.
- Journal of the American Revolution.
- Kate was too Ambitious by Marva Robins Belden and Thomas Graham Belden.
- The Kentish Guards.
- King Philip's War and the Colonial Contact Period in and around Barrington and Warren, R.I., and Swansea, Massachusetts by Dave Weed.
- Tony Lepore, The Dancing Cop.
- Little Caeser by Austin Kennedy; about the fortunes of Italian immigrant Giuseppe Zambarano, based on his 1894-1909 diary.
- Little Rhody Bottle Club.
- Longfellow and the Jewish Cemetery at Newport by Irving Filzig.
- Lost Rhode Island Ski Areas.
- The H.P. Lovecraft Archive.
- Lucy and the Chinese Bandits by Meryl Rothstein.
- The Man Who Can Scare Stephen King by Curt Wohleber.
- Rose Martin and Her Beloved Corvair.
- The Minister and the Mill Girl by George Howe.
- Moonstone Beach: The Naked Truth by DMK.
- Narragansett/South Kingstown Memories.
- New England Aviation History by Jim Ignasher.
- Newport in Winter by Carla Davidson.
- Newport, Lost and Found.
- Nipmuc Place Names of New England.
- One-Room Schoolhouses of Exeter, 1766-1952.
- Only One Escoheag.
- On the Road to Freedom: A roadside guide to African American sites in Rhode Island.
- The Organization of the Rhode Island Militia 1774-1783.
- Pasta la Vista—F.P. Ventrone Sparks the Providence Macaroni Riots.
- The Pawtuxet Rangers.
- The Perils of Immortality by Ellen Feldman.
- Picturesque Narragansett by Robert Grieve.
- Political Rivalry in Rhode Island: William H. Vanderbilt vs. J. Howard McGrath: The Wiretapping Case by Debra A. Mulligan.
- Preferably Pawtucket.
- Printers and Printing in Providence, 1762-1907.
- The Providence Grays.
- The Providence Mob by Allan May.
- The Providence of Our Great Grandparents, 1912 by Diane Boumenot.
- Providence Weather Records.
- Public Archaeology Lab.
- PVD Now and Then.
- Reap from Our Wilderness: Charles Herreshoff, 1763-1819 by Megan Tracy.
- Recent Past Providence.
- Remembering Albion, Rhode Island.
- Rhode Island Census Statistics by Year transcribed by J. Scott.
- Rhode Island Civil War Round Table.
- Rhode Island Colonial Charter, 1663-2013.
- Rhode Island Currency: Old Bank Notes from Rhode Island.
- Rhode Island Diners.
- Rhode Island Department of State Rhode Island Timeline.
- Rhode Island, A Guide to the Smallest State, by the Federal Writers' Project (1937).
- Rhode Island Highways by Michael Kendricks
- Rhode Island Historical Preservation and Heritage Commission survey publications
- Rhode Island History.
- Rhode Island Lighthouses
- Rhode Island Marine Archaeology Project.
- Rhode Island New Deal Sites.
- Rhode Island Railroads by Edward J. Ozog.
- Rhode Island Rocks.
- Rhode Island Slave History Medallions.
- Rhode Tour.
- Rhode Island 250.
- Rhombic Antennas on Chopmist Hill Help Win World War II by Jim McDonald
- RI Footprints by Robert Geake.
- River Road and Blackstone River Valley Cemeteries.
- Rocky Point Park Remembered!
- Rocky Point Retrospective.
- Roger Williams Lands in Boston, Shocks the Puritans.
- Roger Williams Pardoned in Massachusetts but Doesn't Return.
- Roger Williams' Shelter, Margaret's Rock.
- Roger Williams: The Verin Case.
- Salty Brine for 51 Years Announces News, Weather and No School Fosta Glosta.
- Shipwrecks of Rhode Island by Dave Clancy.
- Silent Night by Alex Eichler.
- 1696 Heritage Group.
- Slavery in Rhode Island from Slavery in the North by Douglas Harper.
- The Smallpox Journal of Solomon Drown by Kate Schrire.
- Spring of '17: A Providence R.I. Vaudeville Data Mashup by Micah Salkind.
- So Eager Were We All... by Private Lewis Herbert Melcalf with an introduction by Bruce Catton.
- South Kingstown History.
- State of Rhode Island Historic Property Search.
- List of State Symbols on Wikipedia.
- Station Fire Memorial Park.
- The John Stephens Shop (founded 1705), Newport.
- "Strange Mismanagement": The Capture of HMS Syren by Christian M. McBurney.
- The Stumbling Block by Pamela Petro.
- The Story of 'Big Al' Pavlow and Super Records by Rick Bellaire.
- Things That Aren't There Anymore: Rhode Island Edition.
- 328 Headlines and a Protest by Jennifer Leighty; about the Brown University suicide pill controversy of 1984.
- The Tragedy of King Philip and the Destruction of the New England Indians by George Howe.
- Vampire's Grasp by Michael E. Bell, Ph.D.
- The View from Swamptown by G. Timothy Cranston.
- Voices and Visions of Historic Pawtuxet Village.
- Waiting, 1938 by Alice Lovejoy; a story of the Providence Journal and the Hurricane of 1938.
- Warwick Digital History Project.
- Warwick Musical Theatre.
- The Washington-Rochambeau Revolutionary Route in the State of Rhode Island, 1780-1783. (15.6 MB PDF, may load slowly).
- The Wayward Commodore by Richard O'Connor.
- What It Used to be in Cranston, RI.
- What It Used to be in Warwick, RI.
- Wickford Tales by Anita W. Hinckley.
- The Wolf Hill Plane Crash by Jim Ignasher.
- The Wonderful Leaps of Sam Patch by Richard M. Dorson.
- Woonsocket: Past and Present.
- You Grew Up in Rhode Island During the '50s, '60s and Beyond...
- You Know You're From Lincoln, RI if...
- You're Probably from North Smithfield If....
- Zion in the Forest by Roger Burlingame.
The above section last updated June 2024.
- Abandoned Hanton City, 2022, by Jason Allard.
- Abandoned Interstate Demolition (I-195 Providence RI).
- Abandoned Rocky Point Amusement Park, 2024, by Jason Allard.
- Ann & Hope Documentary.
- A Brief History of the Briggs-Boesch Farm, East Greenwich.
- Civil War at Saylesville, 1934.
- Crescent Park in East Providence, Rhode Island (1950s).
- Crescent Park, 1956, Tour of the Park.
- Crescent Park, 1964, Charles I.D. Looff Carousel.
- The Discovery Project Youtube Channel.
- Enchanted Forest, Hopkinton, RI, 1997.
- Exploring Abandoned Dutch Island and Fort Greble, Jamestown, 2023.
- Exploring Abandoned Fort Wetherill, Jamestown, 2023.
- Exploring The Abandoned Lighthouse Inn Of Galilee, RI, 2022.
- Guardians of Liberty: The 1st Rhode Island Regiment in East Greenwich, Newport, and Philadelphia by Robert Geake.
- Hanton City, "The Lost City".
- Highland Orchards, North Scituate, RI 1963.
- History with McNiff: What did Roger Williams Really Look Like?
- Inside the Rocky Point Shore Dinner Hall.
- Island Park, lecture by Jim Garman.
- Looff Carousel at Goddard State Park (c1957).
- Lost Narragansett, Rhode Island, by Jeanpaul Ferro.
- Lost Providence, Rhode Island, Part 1, by Jeanpaul Ferro.
- The Lost Villages of Scituate, Rhode Island, by Jeanpaul Ferro.
- The Lost Villages of the Scituate Reservoir, In Color Part 1, by Jeanpaul Ferro.
- The Lost Villages of the Scituate Reservoir, In Color Part 2, by Jeanpaul Ferro.
- Lost Watch Hill, Rhode Island: The Grand Hotels, Mansions and Napatree Point Before the '38 Hurricane, by Jeanpaul Ferro.
- Moses Brown Snow Days Videos: 2015, 2015, the sequel, 2016, 2017, 2018.
- Narragansett Beer YouTube channel.
- Providence Patriots Stadium; 1997 video making the case for the building of a new stadium in Providence for the New England Patriots.
- Providence, RI, circa 1975.
- Remains of Rocky Point Park, February 2005.
- Report from Rhode Island (1940s).
- Rhode Island: The Biggest Little State, (1982).
- Ride the Rocky Point Park Cyclone, (Spring 1996).
- Ride the Rocky Point Park Corkscrew Coaster.
- RIPBS: Our Town: Bristol.
- RIPBS: Our Town: Charlestown.
- RIPBS: Our Town: Glocester.
- RIPBS: Our Town: Johnston.
- RIPBS: Our Town: Middletown.
- RIPBS: Our Town: North Kingstown.
- RIPBS: Our Town: Portsmouth.
- RIPBS: Our Town: Scituate.
- RIPBS: Our Town: Westerly.
- RIPBS: Our Town: West Warwick.
- Rocky Point Amusement Park 1996.
- Rocky Point Home Movie (1988).
- Rocky Point Park Youtube Channel by David Bettencourt.
- Rocky Point Park Feels Right! (c1992).
- Rocky Point Park Free Fall Riders and Views.
- Rocky Point Park House of Horrors Walk-Through.
- Rocky Point Rides—Midway Tour (part 1) and (part 2).
- The Ruins of Rocky Point Park: Aerial Footage.
- The Ruins of Rocky Point Park: The Palladium.
- Salute to Woonsocket (1957).
- Slater Park Zoo: Fanny the Elephant and Other Zoo Animals.
- Slatersville: America's First Mill Village: E1: The Mental Smugglers.
- Slatersville: America's First Mill Village: E2: Controlling No-Man's Land.
- Slatersville: America's First Mill Village: E3: The Great Change.
- Slatersville: America's First Mill Village: E4: Conscience Money.
- Slatersville: America's First Mill Village: E5: The World According to Uncle Johnny.
- The Station (2013), multi-part web documentary.
- Stories of Rocky Point Park: Evelyn Borrelli.
- Summer Time is Rocky Point Time.
- Take a Trip Back To Rocky Point in 1957, highlights of home movies shot by Irene Campbell, mother of former Providence City Archivist Paul Campbell.
- This Land of Ours: The State of Rhode Island (1947).
- Tour of Riverside, Rhode Island (2009) by Tim Mercier and Byron Olson.
- Wanton-Lyman-Hazard House video tour (2014).
- What's left of Rocky Point Amusement Park? (2017).
- A Winter Walk on the Rocky Point Flume.
- Woonsocket Theaters: Past and Present.
The above section last updated June 2024.
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